Tag Archives: counseling

My New Book on Christian Marriage Counseling Is Now Available!

“Reformulating the Christian Marriage Counseling Model Where Abuse Is Involved”
is now available on Amazon as a paperback and a Kindle e-book.
This book is a culmination of my experiences in the counseling environment coupled with the 12 years I have spent ministering to victims of abuse. I have heard countless stories from many who have been shamed, blamed, and ostracized by their Christian counselors, pastors, family members and believing friends for leaving their abusers or divorcing them.
But why?
It is painfully apparent that the common Christian marriage counseling model begins with a lack of biblical understanding when it comes to God’s heart for marriage, as well as His directives to identify genuinely wicked people in our midst and protect the innocent.
The book reveals how the entrenched belief that “God hates divorce” has resulted in a process that elevates the design to “save the marriage” above the safety of those being harmed.  I will reveal the true meaning of this Scripture – and others.  Sadly, as a result of this and other related teachings, quite often legalism reigns, compassion fails and the abuse continues. 

“Reformulating the Christian Marriage Counseling Model Where Abuse Is Involved”
takes in in-depth look at the common counseling model, identifies why the model fails when abuse has permeated the relationship, and presents a new model that utilizes processes and supports outcomes based on the truth that marriage is sacred, not merely in status, but in substance.
“Faced with the abuser’s lies and half-truths [in the counseling environment], a victim will almost always struggle to present her case – a case she would not feel pressured to make if she was removed from her abuser’s presence from the outset and placed in a safe environment where she is free to reveal anything and everything without fear.

“In a couples counseling setting, the victim will likely receive little, if any, actual counsel and emotional support that ministers to her.  The ultimate objective of “saving the marriage” coupled with the goal of “helping” the abuser essentially leaves her on the sidelines. 

“Her traumatic experiences and the wounds she carries as a result seem to be less of a concern.  She feels compelled to remain in a relationship with someone she has no reason to trust laden with an obligation to be patient and prayerful, believing that restoration must surely lie somewhere in the distance.  By default, what she wants or needs may well be deemed essentially irrelevant.

“This is wrong.”

The book will provide victims with insight as to what to look for in a counselor and the counseling process.  Similarly, the book will benefit pastors, lay counselors, licensed counselors, and church leaders as well as Christian college and seminary faculty and instructors who are willing to look at the common Christian marriage counseling model and consider why it may fail and how it should be reformulated where abuse is involved.
Tim Yarbrough, President of Greengate Enterprises wrote:
“I have received and read through your latest book.  What an incredible and much-needed analysis of the present model.  As I shared with our circle of counselors and advocates here:  “This book is not a challenge to the present model of counseling involving abuse – it is a much-needed frontal assault.”  This will be required reading for all of those entering our local training.  Thank you.”
The book is $14.95 as a paperback and $4.99 as an e-book.  You can find it here.


shame“There smites nothing so sharp, nor smelleth so sour as shame.” William Langland (English poet, 1332-c. 1386)

It ranks among the most painful incidents of my life, an event I never could have foreseen.  It happened during a grueling, four-hour counseling session with my abusive husband – the day before I left him.

At several points in the session, my then-husband stood and raged at me, arms outstretched as I sat terrified in my chair only a few feet away. The counselor did nothing to calm or constrain him (which I now know was highly unprofessional of her).  Over so many years, I had grown accustomed to his blistering, if false, accusations, and was so beaten down I didn’t dare offer a defense.  When my husband finally sat again, awaiting my response, the counselor turned to me where I sat trembling and asked, “What are you feeling, Cindy?” and at that moment the weight of years of torment shredded my composure.  I could muster only, “I’m afraid in my own home.”

Continue reading Shame