Life on the Other Side:  “The Best Christmas Ever”

Journal Entry March 11, 2003 I now look at life differently.  My children are more precious to me than ever.  I love to hear them laugh and to daily tell them I love them and kiss them good-night.  Colors seem more vivid.  The breeze on my skin is fresh and invigorating.  I find myself smiling for no good or apparent … Continue reading Life on the Other Side:  “The Best Christmas Ever”

The Dreaded “D” Word

In my conversations with abuse victims, as I listen to them while they peel away layer after layer of marital heartbreak, there may come a point when I find myself engaged in an internal wrestling match, when I am thoroughly convinced that I need to use the dreaded “D” word, but I wonder:  Is it … Continue reading The Dreaded “D” Word

You Know Me

If you have any doubts as to what verbal, emotional, spiritual and sexual abuse in a “Christian” marriage looks like, then please read Kelly Orr’s story.  Prepare to be shocked and horrified, not only by what she endured, but by the diminishing and unbelievably insensitive, cruel responses she received from fellow believers, pastors and counselors.

I pray God blesses Kelly for her transparency, and may hearts and minds be opened to the dark reality of the kinds of abuse that exist in approximately 20 percent of what are presumed to be Christian homes.

Letter to a Pastor Explaining Biblical Divorce

Dear Readers:  It will probably take 10-15 minutes to read this piece in its entirety, but if you have doubts or questions about what you have been taught about divorce, I firmly believe your time will be well-spent here. I pray that seeing the truth brings you closer to the One who loves us and … Continue reading Letter to a Pastor Explaining Biblical Divorce

Wisdom in the Counsel of Many?

“Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed.”  Proverbs 15:22 We know there is wisdom in the counsel of many.  Even in the midst of overwhelming heartache and confusion, we may have some vague idea of what we want or need to do, but out of a sincere desire to do the right … Continue reading Wisdom in the Counsel of Many?