Tag Archives: faith

Trying to Communicate with an Abuser

“It’s like he can’t hear me.”

“He makes me feel like I’m crazy.”

“When I try to talk to him, he treats me like I’m his enemy.”

These are some of the things abuse victims might say when they share with me how they try to communicate with their abuser*.

I want those of you who can empathize with those sentiments to understand that there is no real misunderstanding.  The man hears you, he wants you to feel crazy, and it’s not surprising that he is treating you like you are his enemy, because that’s pretty much the way he sees you.

Healthy communication and conflict is part of any relationship, and all of our communication should begin with a recognition of our many differences coupled with a desire to find compromise and meet one another’s needs. 

But abusers are not interested in reason or resolution.  Even though you may approach him in a moment of calm and everything you say may make perfect sense, the truth is that he is not the least bit interested in what you have to say. Furthermore, the fact that you have to find just the right moment to talk to him may be evidence of just how risky trying to communicate with him really is…

As you are speaking – trying to find just the right words to keep him from attacking you – know that he is probably strategizing as to how he can twist your words and turn them back on you.  Expect any comeback to be irrational or unnecessarily harsh, coupled with a how-dare-you, who-do-you-think-you-are kind of attitude. 

The truth is that he views your attempt at finding compromise as a design to undermine him.  In his mind, you are trying to claim for yourself some measure of power he holds – power he has no intention of relinquishing.  

His over-the-top response speaks to his agenda.  He wants you to become so frustrated that you will simply give up and leave him alone.  He also wants to make sure you understand that any future efforts to petition for help or positive change will be met with similar ferocity. 

He is neither ignorant nor innocent.  He doesn’t care if your requests are legitimate or if you are hurting.  He only cares about his absolute right to have his way in everything all the time.

When it comes to communicating with an abuser, you really can’t.  He only hears what he wants to hear and will vigorously reject everything else.  That doesn’t make him right.  It just means that you are seeing who he really is.

It’s not your fault.  It’s that his mind is set.  As difficult as it may be to accept, you need to understand that it’s not that he doesn’t know how to communicate; it’s that he is actually a master communicator when it comes to knowing how to shut you down, shut you out and shut you up. 

No matter how badly you want to find a way to make it work, communication requires two people willing to listen to one another, while the abusive relationship is, in fact, a dictatorship.

“Rescue me, O Lord, from evil men; preserve me from violent men who devise evil things in their hearts… they sharpen their tongues as a serpent; poison of a viper is under their lips.” Psalm 140:1-3 (in part)

*Although abusers may be of either gender, the overwhelming majority of abusers are male; therefore, the abuser is referenced in the masculine. The reader’s understanding is appreciated.

Copyright 2019, All Rights Reserved

Cindy Burrell

A Season of Man-Hating

There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven… a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.  Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4

Just a few months after separating from my husband, I was hired by a prominent government official to be his receptionist and personal assistant.  In that role, I was responsible for greeting those who came to meet with him, people from all walks of life.  Still reeling from the effects of the abuse and dealing with my husband’s ongoing harassment, in my mind’s eye every man who walked in the door was automatically presumed to be an enemy – a self-serving, conniving jerk.  As far as greeting those who came to meet with my boss, I knew how to be cordial while remaining thoroughly entrenched in my cynical mindset toward the opposite sex. 

Continue reading A Season of Man-Hating

Predator or Prey?

Predator or Prey?

“…be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.”

Ephesians 6:10


When living in an abusive household, there is no truly safe place, no easy answers, and no best response to a given situation, because the world revolves around the abuser’s* wants and needs, which are ever-changing.  This kind of unstable environment has profound impacts on wives – the abuser’s primary victims – and children.

Continue reading Predator or Prey?

Judge Not?

Many of us have been taught that, as believers, we are not to judge lest we be judged.  The inference is that judging others is always wrong.  If we don’t want to find ourselves judged, we should not judge anyone else.  Ever.

It almost seems right, but it is a twisting of the truth, and it is little sound-bites like these that often hold us captive, leading us to believe that we have no right to scrutinize others’ character or to identify wicked people among us, particularly those who claim to be fellow believers.   Are we really called to accommodate the wicked living in our homes and serving in our churches for fear of being deemed judgmental? Continue reading Judge Not?

Enabling Isn’t Noble

“A man of great anger must pay the penalty.
If you rescue him, you will only have to do again.”  Proverbs 19:19

For some of you reading this, what I need to share may be difficult to receive; nevertheless, I hope you will consider what I have to say, for I have been where you are…

I know you are determined to fix it, to help the man* to whom you are so devoted, to help him work through whatever pain he is carrying, to love him unconditionally in spite of how he treats you.  I know you want to believe that hiding somewhere beneath that prickly exterior is the man who found a way to win your heart however many months or years ago.

I know you want to be strong, to prove to yourself, God, those who know you and the man you live with that no matter how he treats you, you won’t break and you will never give up.  You believe that somehow, someday his heart will soften, life will become sweet and safe, and you will both bask in the kind of deep, transcendent love you imagine.  I know that each morning you awaken with a new hope that maybe today things will be different.  Maybe today he will see you and decide to love you back.  Maybe today you will find the key that will unlock his seemingly lost and hurting heart.

Continue reading Enabling Isn’t Noble