Life on the Other Side:  “The Best Christmas Ever”

Journal Entry March 11, 2003

I now look at life differently.  My children are more precious to me than ever.  I love to hear them laugh and to daily tell them I love them and kiss them good-night.  Colors seem more vivid.  The breeze on my skin is fresh and invigorating.  I find myself smiling for no good or apparent reason.  It is as though I have peeled off my old life, and a brand new one is emerging.  At 43, can life really begin again?  If so, I pray that I am living proof of it.

My emotions are all so intense — whether joy or sadness, peace or turmoil.  Everything I am feeling seems to have been impassioned by some unseen force.  What is going on?  What has happened to me?  Is this a natural phenomenon that all people experience when they have gone through a tragic divorce, or a short-term phase in life which leads only back to mediocrity?  God forbid.  

Is it because my depression and fear had held me in bondage for so long that now I am finally experiencing the true range of emotions which were trapped beneath the surface?  That is exactly how it feels.  And I fear the possibility of going back into that dreadful prison.  Even feeling the pain in its fullness far surpasses the numbness which came from locking it inside, running from it, believing I could somehow override it. 

 So, this is what life is like.  What angels long to peer into.  I’ll take it.

It was a month before my divorce was finalized when I wrote that journal entry, and my abusive husband had been out of our home for over a year.  It was altogether strange and liberating when the haze of confusion to which I was accustomed gave way to reveal that I hadn’t been imagining things.  It wasn’t my fault and I wasn’t crazy.  Nor was I overly sensitive, demanding or selfish or stupid or unforgiving.

I have no idea how long it took for the emotions I had locked away to begin to rise to the surface.  Having the freedom to feel and express emotions at all seemed foreign.  The grief was overwhelming, yet it felt so good to really feel anything, to cast aside the robotic, perfectionistic persona I had adopted for my survival.  I was free to reclaim my personhood, free to be real and imperfect and transparent.  My kids and I dared to imagine ​and create ​the life we wanted but could never have before.

The five of us finally had room to breathe.  We could sleep in on Saturday mornings and eat pancakes and watch cartoons without someone marching downstairs and barking orders at us.   On Friday nights we could eat pizza and popcorn and watch Disney movies and laugh out loud at our favorite parts and be ourselves without being criticized.  What wonderful, simple pleasures.

It wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine, though.  All of the kids struggled with the divorce for their own reasons.

Weeknights could be exhausting, as I worked full-time capped with an hour commute each way.  So by the time I got home ​in the evenings ​and put dinner on the table, helped with homework, made sure kids were bathed and we had some family time, I was plum-tuckered-out. Fortunately, I had a few dear friends and the kids’ grandparents nearby who graciously helped the kids get to church, basketball practice or swim meets when I was unavailable​.  What a blessing those people were in all of our lives.

Although I ​had no idea what our future held and struggled to make ends meet, all the same, I found myself smiling or singing just because and fell asleep most nights thanking God for the solitude and peace.  We were happier, and that was all that mattered.

For our first “just us” Christmas, I was financially challenged but had enough to get a tree, fill the kids’ stockings, and buy them a few simple presents.  On Christmas eve we watched “A Muppet Christmas Carol” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” and on Christmas morning, we put on our favorite Christmas music, lit a fire in the fireplace and savored our customary breakfast of bacon and eggs, baked French toast, fresh fruit and sparkling cider.  Later in the morning, we took turns opening gifts.  We laughed together and shared hugs and words of warm appreciation.  It all felt so good.

That afternoon, as I was in the living room picking up what remained of the Christmas wrappings, I overheard Brett – then 9 years old – upstairs in the loft say to the others, “Wasn’t this just the best Christmas ever?”

It warmed my heart to know there was a noticeable difference.  No drama, no yelling, no tears.  After so many years of confusion and turmoil, I just wanted them to be content, and in that moment, they were.

It was so worth it – to make the sacrifices that had to be made and pay whatever price that had to be paid to discover that life and freedom and joy were waiting for us – on the other side.

“For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy!”   Psalm 63:7

Praying you find hope, peace and joy this Christmas!

© Cindy Burrell, 2020

All rights reserved.

(Partially excerpted from “Life On the Other Side.”)







4 thoughts on “Life on the Other Side:  “The Best Christmas Ever””

  1. Beautiful <3 This could have been me you were writing about, well, in a way it was because our stories are so similar.

    The intensity of emotions after my ex walked out almost 12 years ago was overwhelming. I'd be caught off guard when tears suddenly fell down my face or something made me fill with such joy that it felt like it was radiating out of me. All the emotions became so intense and at first it kind of scared me because for 20 years of my life I lived with a man who didn't like anyone expressing emotions.
    If he was in a bad mood (when wasn't he??) we were not 'allowed' to be happy and laughing, and he would do all he could to kill that good mood in us. If I ever got angry over how he treated me or the kids, and believe me, I held too much anger in over the years because I was led to believe it was sinful, he would tell me how I was the one with the anger problem. If I was sad or tearful over how he treated me he would only look at me in disgust with a furrowed brow and say I was too sensitive or sometimes say nothing at all.

    But after he left, all those emotions I had learned to keep bottled up over time came flowing out of me. And just as you said, I even found myself stopping outside to breathe in the wonderful smells or stopping to take in the beauty around me because all those smells and colors became more vibrant, life around me just had more color and held more joy than ever before.

    Thank you for continuing to share your story of redemption after a life of abuse. There is life on the other side and you and I are proof of that.

    Have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. Hello, Amy.

      Thank you for taking the time to share your story – and for your kind affirmation!

      There are so many like us… I pray that those who may be hurting, those who stumble across my stories – and yours – rediscover love, peace and joy as God intended, gifts He wants to experience in all of their fullness.

      I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas, full of laughter and love and good, good memories! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

      Wishing you all the best always,


  2. Hei I am new to your blog and the blogging world generally. I cannot say if what I went through with my husband is termed abusive because abuse can be so subjective and depends on a person’s motives. What was obvious in my marriage was that my husband did not seem interested in keeping the marriage alive and I never received any physical affection from him from the third year of marriage onwards. Although he has a good education and qualifications he stopped working from the second year of marriage citing that he could not handle the job. He has not worked since then and we have been married 2 years now. He kept saying that he looked for jobs but could not find any suitable job and that it was better for him to stay home and look after our child. At that time it seemed a good thing to do but I am now wondering if this was part of his plans all along.

    I have craved for physical touch from him but he hinted I was not appealing enough. I was totally crushed and this subjected me to temptations which I managed to resist with God’s help. I support the family financially and have been very hesitant to leave him because of the stigma it would cause to my family.

    I long for affection, conversation and validation but my marriage is empty. He says its my fault but he rejected counselling and he did not really want to reconcile. He also had an affair which blame he shifted on me saying I was detached. I don’t trust him and I don’t think I can trust any man after this, after what I have been through in my marriage.

    I always thought that God did not care what my marriage was like as I chose to marry my husband anyway and that I just had to live with the consequences. Plus God has blessed me with wealth and good friends and family and I thought that God expected me to put up with a bad marriage as things could have been worse.

    I have now met someone who is wonderful and I know I can never be with him and I have asked God to help me forget him.
    I did not know lie could be so cruel.

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